Saturday, June 12, 2010

The art of action

Rainy, cold Saturday in Boulder…. a day of coffee, quiet, books. I’m struggling with feelings of inertia as I start to work on my residency application. A long process is ahead which is both exciting and onerous... light and heavy... prana and apana.

Richard often says during class that: “Yoga is the art of action.”

The art of action
... action in what looks like stillness. The balancing of prana and apana. Getting us out of our inertial tendencies, breaking our habits.

He described the yoga practice as a “container.” A container in which we create a burning and a fire within us as we begin to see the impermanence: the impermanence of our pain, suffering, moods, happiness, heat, cold, etc. The impermanence of our bodies.

During our yoga practice, we are closing the lid on ourselves – like closing the lid on a pot of hot water – and we squirm until we are soft. It is not a system of escape, but it is "a system of awakening."


  1. I'm so glad you're sharing some of your experiences, Christina! How has the altitude been treating you? That could be adding to the intertia. It took me a week to adjust here (we're about a mile high, and super dry!. Now Mula B. feels pretty effortless. I try things that I usually can't do and whoah! Thanks for channeling some of Richard's sage insights.

  2. Hi Maria!!! Hah, yeah actually the altitude did take some getting used to... and yes, so dry! I sweat but don't realize I'm sweating! Hope you've had a good trip... see you back in philly soon!
