Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekend highlights

Weekend highlights: Friday evening girls wine & cheese night, running the "loop" (half-marathon 2 weeks from today!), Sunday morning mysore practice, cleaning out my in-box, de-cluttering my desk, La Colombe coffee, getting ready for my upcoming trip to Seattle/Portland (excited!).

I also found a new book to add to my reading list: The End of Overeating, by Dr. David Kessler:

"Back 50 years ago, the tobacco industry knew that smoking was harmful. If you look at how we were successful with tobacco, we changed how people viewed the product. We changed it so people now look at a cigarette and say, 'Boy, that’s a deadly, addictive, disgusting product.'
What we need to do, is to change how we fundamentally look at food, and ask ourselves, ‘Is that food nutritious? Is that going to provide the kind of nutrition I want?’ You have to be able to fundamentally change how you look at the food. One way to do that is to realize the extent to which you are being manipulated.
If you value being healthful, if you value eating nutritiously, if you say 'that is the kind of food that I want, that is not the food that I want"… then you can be free. Then, in essence, and only then, have you really re-programmed your brain.'"
~Dr. David Kessler (from this video)


  1. Upcoming trip to Portland? I have the perfect Mysore studio for you to practice at. Near East Yoga. Very sweet place on NE 7th and Broadway. Enjoy your visit here!

  2. Hi Sara!
    YES! I'm heading to Portland next week and am so happy to hear about Near East Yoga - I will definitely check it out!!!! Thank you! Please let me know if you have any other recommendations of places I should see... it's my first visit to Portland and I am VERY excited!
